Study shows that Emotional Freedom Techniques produced regulation of genes

Emotional Freedom Techniques produced regulation of genes - Study

In 2016, Beth Maharaj, an imaginative psychotherapist, designed a study (Maharaj, 2016)for her doctoral dissertation. She found that Emotional Freedom Techniques produced regulation of 72 genes. The functions of those genes proved to be quite interesting. Among them were:

  • Suppression of cancer tumours
  • Protection against the sun’s ultraviolet radiation
  • Type 2 diabetes insulin resistance
  • Immunity from opportunistic infections
  • Antiviral activity
  • Synaptic connectivity between neurons
  • Creation of both red and white blood cells
  • Enhancement of male fertility
  • Building white matter in the brain
  • Regulating metabolism
  • Increasing neural plasticity
  • Strengthening cell membranes
  • Reducing oxidative stress

These shifts in gene expression were substantial. A day late, when Maharaj retested participants, half of the effects persisted. That’s a good payoff of just one hour of EFT (tapping).

In general, people feel more alert, positive, and focused after tapping. Now, imagine our bodies getting the above additional scientific benefits thanks to this type of emotional energetic therapy.  Why would we not use this super practical modality and regulate our cortisol (stress hormone) levels daily? What do you do to manage stress and anxiety? In general, people feel more alert, positive, and focused after tapping. Now, imagine our bodies getting the above additional scientific benefits thanks to this type of emotional energetic therapy.  Why would we not use this super practical modality and regulate our cortisol (stress hormone) levels daily? What do you do to manage stress and anxiety?

You can read the full research paper titled Differential Gene Expression after Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) Treatment: A Novel Pilot Protocol for Salivary mRNA Assessment at this link.

For new clients who what to experience EFT's powerful healing effects, book a complimentary consultation now.

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